Knight Rider Off Road Challenge

Knight Rider Off Road Challenge
Prairie Knights Casino is giving away a pair of 2024 Can Am Defender side by side utility vehicles and Cash Prizes in September!
During the month of September 2024, we will be giving away a pair of 2024 Can Am Defender side by side utility vehicles. We will draw a lucky winner on September 15th and another lucky winner on September 29th, 2024.
Everyday during the month of September, guests can register to win by earning 200 points on their Knight Club Card and stopping by the kiosk to print their entry ticket and drop it in the locked barrel. Guests can do this once per day from September 1st to September 29th 2024. On the drawing days of Sunday September 15th and Sunday September 29th, entry tickets for the drawings will close at 6:45pm. Guests will not be allowed to submit entries into the barrel after this time.
Drawing Days:
Two Sundays in September 2024 (15th, 29th).
Drawings will not be held on Sunday September 1st, 8th, and 22nd 2024.
Drawing Times:
Sunday September 15th 2024, 5pm-7pm
Sunday September 29th, 2024, from 5pm to 7pm.
All times are central standard time.
Registration Format:
Everyday during the month of September 2024, guests can register to win by earning 200 points on their Knight Club Card, then stop by any kiosk to print their entry ticket and drop it in the locked barrel located at Guest Services. Guests can do this once per day from September 1st to September 29th 2024. Only one ticket per day can be earned and dropped in the barrel.
On the drawing days of Sunday, September 15th and Sunday, September 29th, entry tickets for the drawings will close at 6:45pm. Guests will not be allowed to submit entries into the barrel after this time.
All entries made during the month of September will be eligible to win. The drawing barrel will not be emptied at the end of the first Sunday drawing.
Prize Structure
The Casino will contribute $4,000 cash each drawing Sunday of September 15, and September 29 for a total of $8,000. Drawing times will be as follows:
Sunday, September 15th, 2024
5:00pm- $1,000.00
5:30pm- $1,000.00
6:00pm- $1,000.00
6:30pm- $1,000.00
7:00pm- Can Am Green
Sunday, September 29th 2024
5:00pm- $1,000.00
5:30pm- $1,000.00
6:00pm- $1,000.00
6:30pm- $1,000.00
7:00pm- Can Am Red
Drawing Rules: Guest Services will be conducting the drawings on the designated days listed above. All winners will need to be present to win. If a winner is called and the winning guest will have 5 minutes to report to the Guest Service desk. If the winner is not present, the Guest Services Rep will set the absent winners’ ticket aside and will reach into the barrel and select a new winner. Multiple wins will be allowed per drawing day, with the exception of the Grand Prize, Can Am side by sides. All entries made during the month of September will be eligible to win. The drawing barrel will not be emptied at the end of the first Sunday drawing.
Photo ID Required to Claim Prize.
- Prairie Knights reserves the right to modify or cancel all or any promotion.
- No Cash Option will be available.
- Winners of the Can Ama Side x Side will be responsible for all Taxes, Title, and Licensing fees.
- All winners must complete a prize winner form and will receive a 1099 at year end.
- All disputes held in the Standing Rock Tribal Court System.
Total Promotion: $4,000 per drawing Sunday with a total of $59,742.00 in cash and prizes for the month of September 2024.
Prairie Knights reserves the right to modify or cancel all or any promotions. All disputes are held in the Standing Rock Tribal Court System.